Work with Us
Carnival is fueled by creativity, love and passion. While masqueraders are asked to purchase costumes in their individual bands, the day to day running of an administrative NGO like ours requires support. We at the SFCBLA also do this for the creativity, love and passion; but we also focus on building community. A community inspired by all of whom contribute to this Caribbean cultural experience.
For every picture shared and video edited on social media platforms we are truly grateful. Documenting our experiences are equally important to the process of Carnival. We cannot do it alone. This is why we invite as many media professionals and practitioners to work with us to spread the love and freedom inherent to the Carnival experience.
For those small businesses, large corporations and entrepreneurs who see the community as a target audience we invite you to advertise with us. Every little support goes a long way in helping us fulfill our role as the unified body for band leaders in Miami.
Again we say heartfelt thanks to those who have worked with us in the past and continue to work with us in the spirit of Carnival.